Happen to be a talented person, but nobody knows it!

Happen to be a talented person, but nobody knows it!

Ramya Rao


Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash

I have happened to have met so many talented people around me, but do you how many of you know your talents? do you know what are you good at? what makes you happy? what makes you excited? what thrills you?

For a happy-go-lucky person like me, everything around me thrills, every new experience makes me happy. But, do you think that lasts long? It gets routine and sometimes gives no more joy.

Train yourself to understand what your talents are

You are born to show something great to the world. Think! Everyone one of us are unique, we have a talent and that is what makes you different from others.

Some people might be good at talking, some at speech, some are so motivating that you look upto them every time. Some are talented painters, singers etc. You could be anyone, talented young person, just identify it and showcase it!

Having a talent kept for yourself helps nobody, not even YOU. My example of being a very good singer (yes, I am!). I never understood that it was my talent, I always used to avoid gathering, thinking of what if someone asks me to sing in front of everyone! what if that? what if this? etc etc.. mind you, I was leading the prayer group in front of over 500 people until my 12th! Wooohh! Can you believe that?

I enjoy singingvery much! Now, its your turn! Go on showcase your talents to the world!

